Mostly funny
70 percent of this was funny. Some things were just plain dumb ("how am I supposed to win?") or predictable (grunt falling on face). Graphics were pretty good, and animation was nice.
Your Arbiter was truly bizarre (nice), and MC's mum kept changing voices! At first she sounded like an actual woman, then she sounded like a guy trying to sound like a woman, then she sounded like a guy pretending to be an old granny. Weird! Did you have a problem getting the same voice actor to do further lines?
raven4030 said: "you should have done a joke about the fact MC could have been teleported straight to the index, instead of many miles away"
Granted, that level did suck, which is probably your main reason for thinking it shouldn't have existed in the first place. But I think it had something to do with the Monitor's limitations/protocol in his programming that wouldn't allow him to teleport himself or anyone else to the index level, or that the teleportation grid did not run through that part of the ring.
It could even have had something to do with "interference". Cortana mentioned that when she couldn't teleport them straight to the Captain on the second last level. To me, all three make sense. Otherwise, anybody could teleport straight to the index and set off the ring(s) prematurely. There is such a thing as security. Before the Flood outbreak, that place would probably have been crawling with forerunner guards (and sentinels), but that would be a waste if you could just teleport straight past them.
Erm... I seem to have wandered a bit.
Anyway, good toon. I had a laugh.