An okay submission
Good information on what Muslims believe, good format, and good graphics. I don't really like that kind of singing, but it was atmospheric at least.
I have some questions, though.
(1) Have you read the Quran? If so, what parts?
(2) Doesn't the Quran teach Muslims to kill the infidel (unbeliever)?
I know the vast majority of Muslims do not believe in that, but then again, it seems the vast majority of Muslims put their Quran at the highest part of the house (perhaps above a bookcase, covered in an expensive cloth) and never read it.
Would it be right for me to say that to claim that Islam is a religion of peace is a lying? Rather that most Muslims are not well versed in the Islamic texts and merely decide from their own opinion that they will not try to harm Western society?
Please respond carefully and intelligently, the same way as your flash is set out. I don't want to be accused of being an ignorant red-neck, because I know quite a bit about the basics of Islam. I already knew the information this flash presents plus a little more.