Before you do a tutorial...
It's probably best to do a search with the search engine available on this site for any that are like it.
There are MANY lightsabre tutorials on Newgrounds, and making another one would be redundant.
This was okay and it said a lot of the things people need to know when making a lightsabre, but I would hardly call it advanced. You have not included what sounds to add and when, you haven't talked about other effects (such as a throbbing glow of the blade, a glowing ball of light near the handle, lightsabre clashing effects, etc), some of the graphics are shocking (the little man, sabre handles, no backgrounds), and I think you could have included a nice little example animation to show what it's supposed to look like when it's done.
Good music choice. Good, dramatic stuff from Star Wars.
But on a whole, this tutorial is redundant and not as good as it could have been.